Das Hauptdenkmal ist das Denkmal für Soldaten der Sowjetarmee im Treptower Park


Das Hauptdenkmal ist das Denkmal für Soldaten der Sowjetarmee im Treptower Park

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Niemcy Niemcy > Berlin
The main monument of the monument to the soldiers of the Soviet Army who died in battles for the honor and independence of their homeland, for the liberation of the peoples of Europe from fascist enslavement. In the foreground is a large mass grave. The Soviet people fought not only for the liberation of their native land, which was treacherously invaded by hordes of fascist invaders. The Soviet people also fought for the liberation of the peoples of Europe enslaved by fascism. The monument in Treptower Park reminds every person of the liberation mission of the Soviet people and their army: the Soviet people defended and defended not only their honor, freedom and independence. ,,Nowadays everyone recognizes that the Soviet people, with their selfless struggle, saved the civilization of Europe from the fascist pogromists. This is the great merit of the Soviet people before the history of mankind" (Stalin). The people's path to such a monument will not be overgrown forever.
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 18/12/2023 07:29

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