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Egipt Egipt > Cairo
View over Darb al-Ahmar (specifically near Bab al-Wazir street). On the right is the 14th-century Mosque of Aqsunqur, on the left is the early 16th-century Mosque-Mausoleum of Khayrbek.
Komentarze (1)


amanda_mas 30/09/2020 14:24

Lovely photo

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208 zdjęcia

The Great Pyramid and the SphinxThe Aquarium Grotto Garden in ZamalekPanorama of the Cairo City. Tahrir Square & Zamalek islandPanorama of Cairo from Cairo TowerZamalek. Montazah Al Giza Street

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Cairo from the citadelSultan Hassan's Mosquegate of the citadelCairo. The road to the citadelMosque of Sultan HassanMosque of Mehemet AliMosque of Sultan HassanThe Citadel in CairoThe Bab El-Azab Citadel Gateway (باب العزب)Sultan Hassan and El Riffaie Mosques

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 27/11/2019 12:25

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