Cairo architecture. Mosque Hussein?


Cairo architecture. Mosque Hussein?

1 1 

Egipt Egipt > Cairo Governorate > Cairo
Mosque of Abu Al-Dhahab (Abu-hell-hell mosque) My brother was with his family in Egypt, on a business trip from the ZIL plant in 1972-73
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196 zdjęcia

Construction of plant Aswan (IV)Cairo citadelembankmentNile Hilton HotelAustralian camp near Cairo in the early months of 1915

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Al-Azhar MosqueOld Arab House on Khan al-KhaliliMosque Al-Azhar. Courtyardالقاهرة. جامع الأزهر مسلم يصليCairo. Al-Azhar MosqueMosque of Sultan Al-Ashraf BarsbayMinars of the Al-Mayayad mosque. Gate Bab-Az-ZuwayleThe mosque al-Salich TalaiAerial View of CairoMosque of Sultan Al-Hakim

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 08/06/2019 08:38

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