Con Ed's Waterside Station


Con Ed's Waterside Station

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Con Ed's Waterside Station, 1970s
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573 zdjęcia

29 Broadway, corner Morris Street62 West 47th Street, Flint & Horner BuildingAmerican Surety Building, 100 BroadwayBase Ball Crowd, City Hall ParkBonwit Teller Building, 56th Street & 5th Avenue

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Edison Waterside Generating Station38th Street, west from but not including First Avenue. April 8, 1931Construction work with Empire State Building in the backgroundE. 38th Street, west from First Avenue,East 38th Street, south side, west from First Ave.Filling station and 657 First Avenue327 East 38th Street - North Side Between 1st & 2nd Avenues. In front of Peoples BathsPeople's Baths Milbank Memorial, 1904. 237 East 38th St.First Ave., west side, from but not including 38th, to and including 39th streets. March 13, 1928.38th Street, north side, west from and including First Avenue,

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 13/03/2017 11:43

© Edmund Vincent Gillon
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