Žlutice. Кostel Nejsvětější Trojice


Žlutice. Кostel Nejsvětější Trojice

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Republika Czeska Republika Czeska > Northwest > Karlovarský kraj > Žlutice
Branch cemetery pseudo-Romanesque church by the builder A. Kieswetter from Żultice. Single nave, rectangular, with a recessed rectangular presbytery. A prismatic tower with a tall conical roof in the west facade. The outer facades were divided by pilasters, under the crown cornice was an arched frieze. The interior was lit by a pair of double, semi-circular arched windows. The church was built in 1882 on the foundations of an old cemetery (former parish) church damaged by lightning in 1874. The tower was added in 1902. The church stood in the middle of a large cemetery, it was abolished in 1954. That was also the time when the proposal to remove the church was made. In addition to the poor technical condition, the reason was the intention to build a nursery and a kindergarten on this site. At that time, the roof was already damaged and the building was used as a pump warehouse.
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Žlutice, kostel Nejsvětější TrojiceŽlutice, kostel Nejsvětější TrojiceŽlutice. Кostel Nejsvětější TrojiceŽlutice, kostel Nejsvětější TrojiceŽlutice. Кostel Nejsvětější TrojiceŽlutice, náměstíŽlutice. ŠkolaŽlutice. Кaple Nejsvětější TrojiceŽlutice, Průhled z náměstí ke kosteluŽlutice. Кaple Nejsvětější Trojice

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 23/09/2023 22:52

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