Home of General Cornelius Vanderbilt, N.W. corner of Fifth Avenue and 51st Street


Home of General Cornelius Vanderbilt, N.W. corner of Fifth Avenue and 51st Street

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Home of General Cornelius Vanderbilt, N.W. corner of Fifth Avenue and 51st Street. A similar house formerly adjoined it on the right, and the two were known as the twin Vanderbilt houses. Richard Morris Hunt was architect for the two. A view mainly of the N.W. corner. November 13, 1932. P. L. Sperr.
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453 zdjęcia

S.W. Straus & Co., Fifth Avenue at N.E. corner of 46th Street. 1921.34th Street east to Fifth Avenue, showing main entrance to Astoria Hotel10-12 West 39th Street, south side, west of Fifth Avenue. About 1909.North on east side, of Fifth Avenue from 49th StreetA view of the south side of 50th Street from about the middle of the block

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

628 5th Avenue. Dean's, general exterior630-634 Fifth Ave., west side, between West 50th to 51st StreetsFifth Avenue at the St. Patrick's Cathedral624 5th Avenue at 50th Street. Kirkpatrick Store, general exterior.Building, E.M. Gattle Co. (Jewellers) 630 Fifth Ave.Fifth Avenue north from 51st Street, Union Club on north east cornerFifth Avenue at the St. Patrick's CathedralSwedish American Line offices at 636 Fifth Avenue, Rockefeller Center.Buckingham HotelAtlas on the background of one of the buildings of Rockefeller Center

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 09/11/2019 01:23

© P. L. Sperr
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