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Egipt Egipt > Cairo > Bab al Luq
Exposition of military equipment damaged during the Arab - Israeli conflict. Note the series - not the author. The brother was with his family in Egypt, on a business trip from the ZIL plant in 1972-73
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203 zdjęcia

The pond. Pyramids at GizaTemple of Ramesses II in Wadi al-Sabu on the NileMortuary Temple of Hatshepsut (I)Mosque of Sultan HassanMohamed Ali Mosque: ablution fountain

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

CairoCairo. Where?CairoCairoMuseum of Mahmoud Mukhtar in GezirInternational Exhibition of Economics and Management. Soviet pavilionCongress from El Galaa bridge. Cairo Taxi (Fiat)Zamalek. Montazah Al Giza StreetHotel Sheraton & Embassy of the USSRCairo

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 01/12/2021 21:29

© Kulakov L.N.
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