Eingang zur Kaisergalerie an der Friedrich- / Ecke Behrenstraße


Eingang zur Kaisergalerie an der Friedrich- / Ecke Behrenstraße

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Niemcy Niemcy > Berlin
The Kaisergalerie is also referred to as a linden passage, as it is supposed to derive pedestrian traffic between Behrenstrasse and the street Unter den Linden from the narrow Friedrichstrasse here. In addition, the passage with its 128 -meter -long, glass -covered gallery, which is carried out in opulent neo -Renaissance forms, is the attempt to give the world city character in a structural way. Since the renting of the shops is only slow and fewer buyers come than expected, the hoped -for business success initially fails to materialize. Only "Castan's Panoptikum" (later "Passage Panoptic") has a strong encouragement right from the start. Over time, the passage planned as a shopping bazaar is becoming more and more an amusement facility and tourist attraction. Right of the Behrenstraße 49 with Swierczewski's "Caviar act", a hair cutting salon and the porcelain traders from Kohs and Sagitters.
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596 zdjęcia

Königstraße 39-32 mit Blick Richtung Alexanderplatz, im Hinterund die KönigskolonnadenBahnhof Alexanderplatz von der Zentralmarkthalle ausDer Biergarten des Restaurants Linienstraße 130-132 am Oranienburger Tor, WochenmarktTORGAU. Schloß Hartenfels

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Passage in TrümmernBehrenstraße 48, Café und Tanzpalast KerkauDas Westin Grand HotelEingang zur Kaiserpassage, Friedrichstraße, Ecke BehrenstraßeFriedrichstraße 164 Ecke BehrenstraßeFriedrichstraßeFriedrichstraße, Ecke Behrenstraße mit PassageKaisergalerie, Nordwestliche Ecke Friedrichstraße / BehrenstraßeKaisergalerie. BerlinPassage-Panoptikum

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 14/06/2020 14:41

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