Еvangelický kostel


Еvangelický kostel

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Republika Czeska Republika Czeska > Moravia-Silesia > Moravskoslezský kraj > Andělská Hora
Today it is a garden on the church. The church was groundplace with a mansard roof and senktusník. Evangelics from the Angel Mountain and the surrounding area no later than 1934 purchased part of the house no. 5, which rebuilt into a small church for its worship. The ceremony was held on 21.5.1934 with the participation of the President of the German Evangelical Church in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia Erich Wehrenniga and other spirituals. In 1945, on the basis of Decree of President Beneš, the German Evangelical Church was canceled and its property was confiscated by the state. Before starting school year 1964/1965, the evangelical church was rebuilt into a school workshop. Sometimes later the church building was demolished. The land on which the church stood in private ownership (Bc. Matěj Veláčen) .Перед началом 1964/1965 учебного года евангелическая церковь была перестроена под школьные мастерские Через некоторое время здание церкви снесли.сегодня на месте церкви сад
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 01/04/2021 13:46

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