Україна. 60 років тому...


Україна. 60 років тому...

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Federacja Rosyjska Federacja Rosyjska > South Federal District > Yalta city municipality > Gurzuf
Russian noble act naroda.Krymskaya area transferred from the Russian part of Ukraine. The news of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, adopted on 19 February of this year (1954) for submission to the Bureau and the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR, happily greeted the people of our country. The great significance of this event, said in his speech at a meeting of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme KE Voroshilov, his deputies Sh Rashidov and O. Kuusinen and others. Vivid manifestation of the Leninist national policy of the CPSU and the Soviet government, the great and indestructible friendship narodov- the cornerstone of our multinational state-the Soviet people see in this noble act. The Russian people generously transmits the fraternal Ukrainian people one of the most valuable of their regions, it passes because it is economically feasible, because Ukraine and Crimea-neighbors and between these neighbors have close economic and cultural svyazi.
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 20/11/2020 05:59

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