Great Zimbabwe


Great Zimbabwe

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471 zdjęcia

Vue Aerienne de la Ville de ConakryIgreja de VemasseGeneral view of Freetown, the capitalLiberia. Monrovia. The fishing village on a peninsula at the mouth of the river Stockton CreekConakry. The palace of the French governor / Conakry. French Governor's Palace

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Great ZimbabweGreat ZimbabweGreat ZimbabweKyle DamTsetsera Farm - High-veld farm in the Eastern Highlands, destroyed during the bush warTsetsera FarmTsetsera Farm - High-veld farm in the Eastern Highlands, destroyed during the bush warTsetsera FarmUmtali. Railway stationUmtali. Central Street

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 12/03/2021 09:50

© Mick Csaky
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