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Chiny Chiny > Huangpu District
The photo, looking south, is taken from the roof of the newly built Sun Sun Department Store, on the north side of Nanking Road. The dark peaked pavilion in the center is the Dawutai dance hall 大舞台 the tower with a cupola marks the southwestern corner of Wing-On Department Store the street going into the distance on the right is Kwangse (Guangxi) Road 广西路 the roof gable seen on the right, is the old Town Hall, which faced also Nanking Road the ornamental tower see at the horizon, right, belongs to the Great World Amusement Center 大世界 the roof seen in the left bottom corner is Bao Da Xiang store 宝大祥, which was next to Wing-On, on Nanking Road .
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南京路的汽车大冲店Nanking Road and Mixed Court 洋泾浜理事署 (left)南京路,向东Sun Ya Restaurant 新雅粤菜馆 soon after a bombing市中心屋顶南京路明信片/南京街明信片南京路混合法庭太阳太阳有限公司南京路百货南京路精诚百货/ 2Cing Sir购物中心

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 14/01/2019 18:30

© Georgy Monseler
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