"Azadlı qadın" abidəsidə


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Azerbejdżan Azerbejdżan > Baku > Baku
Summer. August. The monument was established on April 30, 1960 at the intersection of four Baku streets. Behind the back of the photographer goes down the street Kurbanova, to the right of the building goes up the street of Gubanova, the street of Jafar Jabbarl is descended to the left of the building, and from East to West this place crosses the first Sverdlovskaya street. To the left of the photographer metro station "Nizami". Monument, works of the sculptor Foad Abdurakhmanova (1915-1971) and architect M. Usaynova (1905-1992), was thrown out of bronze in 1959 in Leningrad. The height of the granite pedestal is 10 meters. The height of the monument is 4 meters.
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216 zdjęcia

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Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Azad edilmiş qadının abidəsiMəşhur kompozisiya!Şıxali Qurbanova küçəsi. Tikinti məktəbləri 18. Şıkəli Qurbanov qoydu. 18-ci əsrMetro Nizamidə günorta saatlarındaNizami metrosuHacı Sultan Əli MəscidiOktyabrsky rayon İcraiyyə KomitəsiMəscid Hacı Sultan ƏliŞair Fizulinin abidəsi

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 16/09/2019 16:47

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