Skyscrapers tower over the 42nd Street NY


Skyscrapers tower over the 42nd Street NY

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Skyscrapers from right to left: Daily News Building, Chrysler Building, Chanin Building, Lincoln Building, Lefcourt Colonial Building and Mercantile Building
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886 zdjęcia

Best & Co. Department Store in Fifth Avenue NYThe Esso Building in June 1947.View of the General Motors Building from Central Park. May 1968.The Corning Glass Building, 717 Fifth Avenue NYPark Avenue NYC

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

East 39th Street. 39th Street Powerhouse no. 2Construction of Edison Waterside Generating StationEast 39th Street. 39th Street Powerhouse no. 2Edison Waterside Generating StationCon Ed's Waterside Station and 660 First Avenue327 East 38th Street - North Side Between 1st & 2nd Avenues. In front of Peoples Baths38th Street, west from but not including First Avenue. April 8, 1931Con Ed's Waterside Station, 686-700 First Avenue38th Street, north side, west from No. 325 between First and Second Avenues. April 8, 1931E. 38th Street, west from First Avenue,

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 24/02/2018 04:35

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