Трубниковский пер


Трубниковский пер

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Federação Russa Federação Russa > Moscow > Moscow
This is a house on the corner of Trubnikovsky (presumably No. 16) and the Kechchenikovsky lanes, the direction to the cook, filmed from the opposite angle of the Kechchechnikovsky. Casely 1963-1964. In the near future, it turned out that it was a house 16 (angle with Kechchenikovsky per.), And I was hoping What house 14, where in Palamarchuk was a shelter for the wounded ... (I'll see the name and correct the name) with the house church under the patronage of the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna. House 14 on the other side of the Brechchenikovsky, unfortunately, I do not even remember. Maybe he was bombed into one of the first bombing. According to the stories, at the same time, not that with the Wahtangian theater, it was not a bomb with a telegraph to the crossroads. The dent from her in the center of the intersection remained visible while there was a cobblestop.
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365 fotos

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Foto publicada em
 27/11/2018 06:21

© I.P. Kislyakov
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