Vrijmetselaarsloge "De Noordstar" in Alkmaar



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Países Baixos Países Baixos > North Holland > Alkmaar
Masonic Lodge "Northern Star". The building in the Amsterdam School style, rebuilt from a former warehouse in 1924 by architects L. Groen and D. Saal. (Dirk Saal known for its Westerlicht - also in Alkmaar) In 1936, these same architects redesigned the facade and built a so-called near conciërgewoning - both buildings are rectangular and of the same height. Since 1941 the main room - Tempelzaal - was used as a printing press, after the war, in 1947, the interior of the newly redesigned main prednaznacheniyu. V Alkmaar three Masonic lodges. De Noordstar, De Morgenster and Noorderkroon.
Comentários (2)


marcel_inho 29/06/2020 21:20

Who doesn't know that area?


fabi_sani 09/11/2020 15:09

Beautiful, yes

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Foto publicada em
 24/04/2020 10:32

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