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Ucrânia Ucrânia > Sevastopol > Sevastopol
Engineering Street is one of those amazing corners of Sevastopol, which is not yet worried about the merciless to the old days and carefully stores its unique charm. Interval between these photos is more than a hundred years. And this is a kindly case when you can set the authorship of the old shot. In the archive of Igor Vasilyevich Akulento, he signed as follows: "Artillery barracks on the northern side, where the soldiers of the spernaya company and the sailors with" Ochakov "were kept. Photo of Mazura". The tuft building, built in 1903, was distinguished by exceptional strength. Powerful, reinforced by wrought metal arched floors. Folded from the cut stone wall, the thickness of which reached 80 cm. Probably, in the fortress city, which at the very essence of his destination could be the arena of fierce fights, it was impossible to build otherwise. And it turned out to be justified.
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Foto publicada em
 19/11/2018 10:24

© MP Mazur
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