Ellis Island


Ellis Island

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Соединенные Штаты Соединенные Штаты > New Jersey > Hudson County > Jersey City
In 1892, one of the most uniquely American moments in the country's history took place, but it involved people from the farthest corners of the planet. That year, Ellis Island opened as a major immigration station. Today, over 40% of all Americans can trace at least one ancestor to Ellis Island
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373 снимки

St. Louis during The Great DepressionLackawanna Railroad StationConnellsville. Baptist ChurchBell P-39 at Buffalo AirportLackawanna Railroad Station

Фотографии вблизи

New York cityPanorama of Lower Manhattan 1909New York skyscrapers from Ellis IslandEllis Island Immigration MuseumLiberty Island, NJStatue LibertyBicentennial celebration in New York HarborEllis Island & Lower ManhattanNew York skyline from Ellis Island ferryLiberty

Фотография опубликована на сайте
 18/06/2021 18:27

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