Plaza de San Francisco de Asís (La Habana)


Plaza de San Francisco de Asís (La Habana)

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Куба Куба > Havana > La Habana Vieja > La Habana Vieja
The picture was taken in the old Havana (Square of St. Francis). On his first trip in his free time, he often walked around the historical part of the city. Wherever you look, there is a story around, everywhere, objects like this one are everywhere. The oldest square of Havana. In the XVI century. A monastery was built on it, in front of it, on the Fountain Square, Fueente de Los Leos, the Fuente de Los Leones. In a word, you find yourself in the Middle Ages. I looked at modern pictures of the area, they have some details (differences with my picture).
Комментарии (3)


josele99 24/09/2020 14:41

He paseado muchas veces por allá


patycuba 16/10/2020 01:07

Qué tiempos...


pablo77 09/04/2022 23:28

Me hace retroceder unos cuantos años

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Фотографии вблизи

Plaza de San Francisco de Asís (La Habana)Plaza de San Francisco de Asís. Basílica San Francisco de AsísPlaza de San FranciscoLa habanaLa habanaPlaza de ArmasPlaza de ArmasPlaza de ArmasOld Havana Plaza de ArmasEl Templete

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