Teilansicht vom Südflügel des Zeughauses Unter den Linden


Teilansicht vom Südflügel des Zeughauses Unter den Linden

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Германия Германия > Berlin
From 1695 after a draft by Franςoi's blonde by Johann Arnold Nering, the armory will be started as a square, and after Nering's death by Martin Grünberg, Andreas Schlüter and Jean de Bodt until 1706. In the same year, the southern main front receives its famous plastic jewelry from the workshops of Schlüter and Guillaume Hulots. The gable is decorated by a high relief that represents the god of war Mars and his wife Bellona, resting on victory signs and surrounded by bounds. Among them are an inscription board and the portrait of King Frederick I. The main portal flanked four sandstone figures created by Hulot, the engineering art and geometry, on the right the arithmetic and fireworks. 1731. The monumental two-storey building serves as an arsenal and trophy collection until 1876 and, in 1877-80, was converted into a glory hall of the Brandenburg-Prussian army and the weapons museum in 1877-80 by Friedrich Hitzig (opening in autumn 1883).
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596 снимки

Königstraße 39-32 mit Blick Richtung Alexanderplatz, im Hinterund die KönigskolonnadenBahnhof Alexanderplatz von der Zentralmarkthalle ausDer Biergarten des Restaurants Linienstraße 130-132 am Oranienburger Tor, WochenmarktTORGAU. Schloß Hartenfels

Фотографии вблизи

Dom. SchlossbrückeZeughausUnter den LindenBerliner Dom.Baustelle am Palast der RepublikDurchblick auf den Eingang des ehemaligen ZeughausesDas KronprinzenpalaisSchloßbrückeBerliner DomEhemaliges Zeughaus

Фотография опубликована на сайте
 16/06/2020 18:24

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