Such pass. countryside views on the way to the lake. Kaplan-Kul


Such pass. countryside views on the way to the lake. Kaplan-Kul

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Киргизия Киргизия > Osh Region
To be specific to the name added about pereval.Snimok placed on top, traverse the site Such a descent from the pass towards the valley Buck-Archa river, right Kurshab inflow in the upper of which is a small lake Kaplan-Kul (on the General Staff of the 80 designated as wetland , by space is essentially the same). View about the north-vostok.
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201 снимки

Альплагерь Ледник КаиндыЛедник МушкетоваУзген. Минарет XI-XII вУлица Советская в г. Фрунзе (ул. Байтик баатыра, Бишкек)

Фотографии вблизи

Road to the lane. ThisSuch a descent PervanWay Lake. Kaplan-balls with Pass ThisView of the lake. Kaplan-kulView of the lake. Kaplan-kulThe descent from the lane. Chil-BelPlot Pamir Highway near LangarPlot Pamir Highway near LangarThe pass Chel-BelleGorge Gillis. The road to the pass Chyyyrchyk

Фотография опубликована на сайте
 02/09/2020 11:25

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