colonne Vendôme


colonne Vendôme

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Франция Франция > Ile-de-France > Paris > Paris
Vendome Column (French la colonne Vendôme.) - Paris "Victory Column" (formerly) of the Grand Army, erected on the Place Vendome Parizha by decree of Napoleon I on January 1, 1806 to commemorate the victories won by him in the campaign in 1805. It was constructed with the August 25, 1806 on August 15, 1810. The construction cost of the monument 2 milliona frankov.Kolonna, imitation Trayanova column in Rome, allegedly made of metal hundred guns taken Great army at enemies, - Russian and Austrian actually made of stone and lined bronze reliefs. This can be seen in the photograph ruined columns. Its height of 44.3 m, a diameter at the base of column 3.6 m helically -. Stripe length of 280 m - 425 of bronze lined work Leper reliefs, which depict steps 1805 campaign year.
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Paris sous l'Occupation. Place de la ConcordeLe Mans. Place des Jacobins - Le Théâtre Muncipal, construit en 1842Cap d'Ail. Dans un décor de rêves TGV bi-courant N514 train international 844Monument au roi RenéMusée Carnavalet. Cour d'honneur ou cour Louis

Фотографии вблизи

Place Vendôme: partie droite de la barricade de la rue de CastiglionePlace Vendôme, le côté gauche de la barricade de la rue de Castiglionecolonne VendômeHôtel de VendômePlace et colonne VendômePlace et colonne VendômeLa place VendômePlace VendômePlace VendômeLa Place Vendôme

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 01/08/2019 17:09

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