Der Beginn der Renovierung des Reichstagsgebäudes


Der Beginn der Renovierung des Reichstagsgebäudes

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Германия Германия > Berlin
The beginning of the renovation of the Reichstag building In Berlin, they had not yet managed to build the wall, but the life of the divided city had long flowed in isolation, by sector. In the Western sector, hands finally reached to repair the Reichstag building. There is a legend that the dome was not specifically restored, as if there were some kind of agreement that they will not remove the red flag from it. And so, there is no dome - no flag.
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Prinz-Albrecht-Straße 8, Geheimes StaatspolizeiamtKrolloperZeitungsverkäufer am Potsdamer PlatzKrolloper / Krolls Etablissement / Neues Königliches OperntheaterHeinrich-Roller-Straße

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 01/01/2019 06:36

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