Temple Beth-El


Temple Beth-El

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Соединенные Штаты Соединенные Штаты > Michigan > Wayne County > Detroit
The Bonstelle Theatre is a theater and former synagogue owned by Wayne State University, located at 3424 Woodward Avenue (the southeast corner of Woodward and Eliot) in the Midtown Woodward Historic District of Detroit, Michigan. It was built in 1902 as the Temple Beth-El, and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. As of 2023, the Bonstelle is planned to be renovated and integrated into a newly-constructed hotel.
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emilia_cl 20/05/2023 01:21

Very evocative

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719 снимки

39th Street, north side, from Park to Madison Avenues. December 2, 1931East 27th Street, south side, west from and including Fourth AveLafayette Street, west side, north from and including Bond, to and including East 4th Streets.Lexington Ave., west side, north from 53rd Street, showing at the S.W. corner of 55th Street51st Street at the N.W. corner of Lexington Avenue

Фотографии вблизи

Down Woodward Avenue from Peterboro StreetWoodstock ApartmentsMansionWoodward Avenue in winter attireAbandoned mansion at Edmund PlaceRansom Gillis MansionRansom Gillis MansionRansom Gillis MansionRansom Gillis HouseRansom Gillis Mansion

Фотография опубликована на сайте
 08/03/2023 09:01

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