Бахметьевский гараж


Бахметьевский гараж

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Российская Федерация Российская Федерация > Moscow > Maryina Roshcha District
Bahmetevsky garage.. (Now - the Center for Contemporary Culture "Garage") monument of constructivism (arh.K.S.Melnikov) "In this building Melnikov proposed alignment system was used for the first time in the world in the number of vehicles staggered at an angle of 45 degrees to the direction of the inner passage , allowing tighter post buses in the garage and save space. This decision set the configuration of the garage of the building in the form of a parallelogram. " D.Romodin.V July 1926 in the Marina Roscha began construction of a new garage Bahmetevskogo (later the third bus depot), calculated on the 125 bus service like "Leyland" for once-through system. Part of it was opened November 1, 1927, and here with Ordynka (Thorough, 40), 60 buses were converted. This park was completed in the spring and put into operation in April 1928. In late 1927 the IBC Transport Department organized avtokuzovnoy factory (now "AREMKUZ" plant), which began to produce new bodies for buses "Leyland".
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1135 снимки

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Фотографии вблизи

Бахметьевский гараж архитектора МельниковаУл. ОбразцоваКомплекс Бахметьевского автобусного паркаБахметьевский гараж (вариант nº2)Бахметьевский гаражТрифоновская ул.3-й автобусный паркТрифоновская улица. Вид от здания Московского института инженеров железнодорожного транспорта (МИИТ)Строительство Бахметьевского автобусного паркаБахметьевский автобусный парк

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 28/04/2019 19:41

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