Oranienstraße 15a


Oranienstraße 15a

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Германия Германия > Berlin
Published in the publication: Julius Kohte, Alt-Berlin, Bauwerke in Berlin und Charlottenburg, aufgenommen 1907-1914. The current location of house 15a is determined by the old map, which shows that the eastern side of Oranienstraße (renamed Nithackstraße since March 1950, see ) started at house 10, went north and ended at house 18. Now on the site of the house are the buildings of the elementary school named after architects Eosander and Schinkel.
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416 снимки

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Фотографии вблизи

Oranienstraße 5 Ecke JägerstraßeSchloss CharlottenburgOranienstraße 5 Ecke JägerstraßeSchloss CharlottenburgMeilenweiserMeilenweiserMeilenweiserSpandauer DammBus der Linie 21B am LuisenplatzOtto-Suhr-Allee

Фотография опубликована на сайте
 02/09/2018 14:52

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