Dedication of the Indian Memorial Gateway by H. H. the Maharaja of Patiala


Dedication of the Indian Memorial Gateway by H. H. the Maharaja of Patiala

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Соединенное Королевство Соединенное Королевство > England > Brighton and Hove > Brighton
The unveiling ceremony of the Royal Pavilion's Indian Gate, 26 October 1921
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261 снимки

Seacox Heath Estate in Hawkhurst. Kent, EnglandWater Eaton ManorSeacox Heath estate in Hawkhurst, Kent, EnglandThe Pier Head,LiverpoolForth Road Bridge

Фотографии вблизи

The original South gate of the Royal PavilionThe entrance of the Royal Pavilion when used as a Military Hospital for Wounded SoldiersThe Royal PavilionThe Royal PavilionThe Royal PavilionIndian Soldiers sitting in the grounds of the Royal PavilionRoyal Pavilion, BrightonThe guard of honour awaiting the Maharajah of PatialaRoyal Pavillion in BrightonBrighton, the Dome, Church Street

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 14/05/2019 06:38

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