House MV Karchevsky


House MV Karchevsky

0 1 

Молдова Молдова > Chișinău Municipality > Chișinau
Put in a set of 10.02.1976 / 05.12.1977 Signed print g.Stroyizdat. Moskva.K summer of 1898 include the work of the architect on the project at home on the corner of Pushkin and Forge streets in Chisinau, made for the same Karchevsky. The house is located next to and outbuilding were built in 3-4 years exactly on the project and under the supervision of the author. The architecture is oriental in nature. Insert the blue square tiles that have no pattern, it is successfully combined with gray stone walls. Elegant and beautifully situated at an altitude of base metal railing balconies. Best impressive original and unexpected compositional comparison lancet and horseshoe arches, located in close proximity to each drugoy.Fligel coming facade of forging the street a little bit easier. Cap significantly lower terraces there. Two doors are enclosed in one portal, over which is placed an ornamental pattern. Portal this wing unexpectedly imparted clearly expressed forms Nouveau architecture.
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314 снимки

House MV Karchevskycasa profesoruluiTiraspol muzeu unităFabrica de bucătărieStometrovka. Vezi de teatru pentru a le. Tkachenko

Фотографии вблизи

Alexei Mateevici, 95 - Casa DragoevaAlexei Mateevici, 95 - Casa DragoevaChișinău, SadovaiaUniversitatea de Stat ChisinauUniversitate de statUniversitate de stat. Clădirea fostei școli realeUniversitate de statChisinau str GardenUniversitatea de Stat din ChișinăuColonade la intrarea în parcul central

Фотография опубликована на сайте
 06/11/2020 08:16

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