Deutsche Bank Behren- / Ecke MauerStraße


Deutsche Bank Behren- / Ecke MauerStraße

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Германия Германия > Berlin
The view is aimed at the building complex of Deutsche Bank in Behrenstraße 8-10 (left), Mauerstraße 29-32 (right) and French Straße 66-68 (in the background on the right). Cut to the left of the neo-Renaissance building of the German Union Bank built by Ende & Böckmann in 1872-74. This passed into the possession of Deutsche Bank in 1876. This was followed by the building of Deutsche Bank in the style of historicism in 1882-91 according to Wilhelm Martens plans. The almost 118 meter long main front on Mauerstrasse is emphasized by a flat 9-axle middle risalite. The corner on Behrenstraße is formed by a tower -like round building, which a plastic from the sculptor Adolf Brütt, the spiritual work, adorns. After war destruction of simplified reconstruction.
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 09/01/2022 13:24

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