Cairo from the citadel


Cairo from the citadel

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203 снимки

The pond. Pyramids at GizaTemple of Ramesses II in Wadi al-Sabu on the NileMortuary Temple of Hatshepsut (I)Mosque of Sultan HassanMohamed Ali Mosque: ablution fountain

Фотографии вблизи

Mosque of Mehemet AliMosque of Sultan HassanMosque of Muhammad Ali in the Citadel of CairoMohamed Ali Mosque: ablution fountainThe Citadel in CairoView from the CitadelView from Mosque of Mehemet Ali, Mosque of Sultan HassanThe court of the alabaster mosque of Muhammad AliCairo. Panorama of the city from the citadel to the Sultan Hassan MosqueCairo. Panorama of the city from the citadel to the Ibn Tulun Mosque

Фотография опубликована на сайте
 09/10/2019 03:33

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