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Украина Украина > Odesa Oblast > Bіlgorod-Dnistrovsky City Council > Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi
Belgorod-Dniester fortress was founded, presumably at the end of the XIV century, and was part of fortifications of the Moldavian Principality. But long before the fortress was located here ancient Greek city of Tire. The fortress was of great strategic importance, particularly for the Ottoman Empire, which plans was to strengthen the bridgehead on the Black Sea coast for a further offensive in Poland and Russia. Despite the fact that the castle was well protected, including thick walls and a wide moat, the Turks captured it quickly enough in the history of the fortress and a new period began. The fortress was rebuilt and considerably by as much as 300 years remained under Ottoman rule. Already at the end of the XVIII century the castle was captured by the Russian army, and in 1790 the commandant of the fortress became famous commander Mikhail Kutuzov.
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 03/12/2017 06:28

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