Covadonga, La Santa Cueva


Covadonga, La Santa Cueva

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Испания Испания > Asturias > Cangas de Onís
About 718-725 years at Covadonga army under the command of the first king of Asturias Pelayo defeated the Arab forces that marked the beginning of the Reconquista - the struggle that lasted more than 700 years and ended the expulsion of the Arabs from the Iberian Peninsula. It was the first major victory of Christians over the Arabs in Ispanii.So time Covadonga has become a place of worship and pilgrimage. The cave (App. Santa Cueva de Covadonga), which according to tradition took refuge Pelayo and his men in the battle time, there is a small chapel with an image of Our Lady of Kovadongskoy (Spanish. Virgen de Covadonga) with the tomb of King Pelayo.illyustratsiya from the book "Asturias", publishing house "Editorial Everest"
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 28/12/2019 07:21

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