Puente de Marín-Salud


Puente de Marín-Salud

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Испания Испания > Castilla y León > Salamanca > Salamanca
The bridge was built from Spring 1883 to September 1884. Contrary to local legend, the author of the project was not the city of Eifel. All construction plans were signed by Raphael Monares 19 December 1883. The bridge served until 1954. After the construction of Salamanca Salamanca, he was dismantled. Named by the name of two farms, which were on different shores near the bridge.
Комментарии (2)


gorka_7716 24/06/2021 06:34

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lucrecita 24/08/2021 12:28


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 07/04/2021 06:26

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