Cairo. Where?


Cairo. Where?

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Египет Египет > Cairo > Bab al Luq
Exposition of military equipment damaged during the Arab - Israeli conflict. Note the series - not the author. The brother was with his family in Egypt, on a business trip from the ZIL plant in 1972-73
Комментарии (1)


amedh 01/04/2021 03:51

Who's coming with me there?

Зарегистрироваться или логин комментировать и вносить свой вклад в жизнь общества 


190 снимки

The Pyramid of CheopsTemple DenduraFor millennia, Colossi of Memnon admire their reflection in the water during the October floodsGiza in spillPyramid in Saqqara

Фотографии вблизи

CairoCairoCairoMuseum of Mahmoud Mukhtar in GezirCairoInternational Exhibition of Economics and Management. Soviet pavilionCongress from El Galaa bridge. Cairo Taxi (Fiat)Zamalek. Montazah Al Giza StreetCairoHotel Sheraton & Embassy of the USSR

Фотография опубликована на сайте
 06/01/2020 10:34

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