View of the city from the tower of the fortress


View of the city from the tower of the fortress

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Молдова Молдова > Soroca District > Soroca
From left - Decebal street (strada Decebal). Right - the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
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247 снимки

podul de cale ferată peste Nistru de la BenderStrada Odessa. Vezi de zhilmassiv OktyabrskyTiraspol institut agricolAsociația de producție de bumbac TiraspolClădirea Comitetului Executiv Central RASSM

Фотографии вблизи

Cetatea Soroca (curte)Sorokskaya Hold (perioada de reconstrucție)Magpies. Cetatea-castel. turn pătratMagpies. cetatea SorocaMagpies. cetatea SorocaMagpies. Cetatea-castel. turn rotundcetatea Sorocacetatea Sorocacetatea SorocaCetatea Soroca, buzele Soroca din Basarabia

Фотография опубликована на сайте
 08/01/2020 17:57

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