Statue of Her Late Majesty Queen Victoria


Statue of Her Late Majesty Queen Victoria

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Statue of Her Late Majesty Queen Victoria, 1901
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113 снимки

Wellington Street, OttawaRue d'Artigny, QuébecView from Royal York hotelFairmont Empress, VictoriaTriumphal arch - Crimean War (Welsford-Parker Monument)

Фотографии вблизи

The unveiling of the statue of Her Late Majesty Queen Victoria by the Duke of Cornwall and YorkLoyal British subjects awaiting the unveiling of the Queen Victoria StatueParliament Buildings (Centre Block) under ConstructionOld Parliament buildingParliament buildings in 1916 after the fireLibrary Of ParliamentConstruction of the Parliament LibraryLibrary Of ParliamentLibrary of ParliamentLibrary of Parliament

Фотография опубликована на сайте
 01/09/2023 07:01

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