Nauchâtel. La Place Pury


Nauchâtel. La Place Pury

1 1 

Швейцария Швейцария > Neuchâtel > District de Neuchâtel > Neuchâtel
Date: 14.06.1956.Datoy birth tram in Neuchatel say 27 February 1890, when the company was created to manage the line from Neuchatel to St. Blaise. According to the project it was to be used trams driven by compressed air, but it was not possible to realize this idea. Before the advent of the electric tram, about thirty months (1897), a line used horse traction. On other lines, such as Neuchatel - Kortellod - Boudry (NCB), the thrust ensured locomotives.
Комментарии (1)


olivia_bella  01/12/2019 15:07

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199 снимки

Memorial Adrien GuexKloster EinsiedelnQuai de la Poste: l'immeuble des photographes BoissonnasLe pont de la Coulouvrenière, l'usine des Forces-Motrices et le SeujetFribourg

Фотографии вблизи

A la place Pury de NeuchâtelStatue en bronze de David de PuryPlace Pury, NeuchâtelLa place des Halles et du Marché à NechâtelLe Marché à NeuchâtelStatue de bronze, Belle époque au bord du Lac de NeuchâtelStatue de bronze, Belle époque au bord du Lac de NeuchâtelNeuchatel Trolleybus Nr.162Neuchatel Trolleybus Nr.161Le Quai Ostervald à Neuchâtel

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 22/10/2019 13:37

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