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Ukraina Ukraina > Київська міська громада > Shevchenkivskyi district > Kyiv
Wagons KTV-55 (Kiev Trams Model 1955) issued by Kiev factory electric Dzerzhinsky (KZET, the former name of Dombasle plant). Was created three versions: the actual CTV-55, single-sided (series 11xx), double-sided version of the KTV-55-2 (series 20xx) and trailer cars KTP-55 (series 10xx). Trailer was released much more than one-sided wagons, because they not only docked to the last, but, in a larger amount to the MTV-82. Unilateral same KTV-55 and are not widely used (in part because the plant was more concerned with the issue of bilateral, alternative which was not). In Kiev, there were a total of a dozen, a few pieces were delivered to other cities. They went to the streets of Kiev somewhat earlier than the KTV-55-2. Emerges once the prospect - Kiev, provides itself with tram cars of its own production - was finally pohoronena.Poezda KTV + KTP as MTV + KTP, used extensively on high-speed lines, until they were suddenly replaced with brand new "Tatrami "In the picture -.
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 06/06/2020 03:34

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