Новы магазін на праспекце будаўнікоў


Новы магазін на праспекце будаўнікоў

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白俄罗斯 白俄罗斯 > Vitsebsk Region > Vítebsk
“The trading god coped the housewarming. Bolshaya street - a large store. 1200 square meters will be occupied by the corporate store“ Mercury ”of the local industry in the building, which is opposite the Lucesh Hotel under construction. Here, about 1.5 thousand items of goods produced in the Vitebsk will be offered two dozen enterprises of this system. The third of the area of Mercury is occupied by furniture, fabrics, barrels, and local -made plastic products. Buyers, strolling along the wide Avenue of Stroylyov, began to look here. Over time, this store will become a worthy competitor of the Central Department Store. ”
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 16/03/2022 02:47

© A. Khitrov.

