178 East 70th Street. Nine-story apartment building


178 East 70th Street. Nine-story apartment building

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美国 美国 > New York > Manhattan Community Board 8
178 East 70th Street. Nine-story apartment building. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, Upper East Side, 1934
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178 East 70th Street. Nine-story apartment building178 East 70th Street. Apartment house178 East 70th Street177 East 71st Street. General exterior.173-175 East 71st Street173 East 71st Street. R. S. Hooker residence71st Street NYC154 East 70th Street. Stephen H. Brown residence.173 East 71st Street. R. S. Hooker residence154 East 70th Street. Stephen H. Brown residence

 29/05/2017 15:22

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