Церква Всіх Кримських святих і Феодора Стратилата


Церква Всіх Кримських святих і Феодора Стратилата

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乌克兰 乌克兰 > Autonomous Republic of Crimea > Alushta
The history of the church in Alushta begins with 1833, with the project approval time, submitted to the contest. According to the documents preserved in the State Archives of the Crimea, the imperial approval given to the project provided by the Governor-General of New Russia Count Mikhail Vorontsov, designed by famous Odessa architect GI Torrichelli.Za construction of churches in Yalta and Alushta I took Kerch merchant guild Carl Tomasini, "which had previously large contracts for the construction of buildings and churches in the provinces of the Novorossiysk Territory." He supervised the construction of churches in Alushta and Yalta (it is the Church of St. John Chrysostom on Polikure) architect, who succeeded in 1834. Elson, J. Kolodin. Along with him in the construction participated architects Aeschlimann and Devo. The church was built, according to experts, critics say, the type of rural churches in England, with the use of Gothic architecture in the facades and in the interior.
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 12/08/2020 11:24

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