St. Dominicus, Rooms Katholieke Kerk te Alkmaar. Overzicht naar het noordwesten


St. Dominicus, Rooms Katholieke Kerk te Alkmaar. Overzicht naar het noordwesten

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荷兰 荷兰 > North Holland > Alkmaar
The Catholic church, built in 1863-1866 gg. by the famous Dutch architect Pierre Cuypers (1827-1921). It was a large, high-Phillips basilica style of early French Gothic. Due to the limited space of the church was not a clearly focused. Instead, the bell tower she had a higher central tower. The church is a national monument, but later was canceled status. And in 1985 the church was demolished. Preserved only stair tower (left), which is now integrated into the building of the shopping center.
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camila_xim 29/01/2020 12:21

Put some more on!

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 29/11/2019 17:20

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