Празднование 35-летия парфюмерной фабрике Брокар


Празднование 35-летия парфюмерной фабрике Брокар

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俄罗斯联邦 俄罗斯联邦 > Moscow > Yakimanka District
Perfume factory 25 May LETSedmogo known perfume factory "Brokar and Co" celebrated the 25th anniversary of its existence. The celebration began with the fact that at 9:00 am on a vast courtyard in front of the icons of the Iberian Mother of God and the Savior was served thanksgiving service with the blessing of the waters, the singing of the choir Vasilyeva. After the service, which was attended by all the employees and the workers led by Mr. Brocard and his family, choir and orchestra of military music sang the national anthem, covered unanimous click "Hurray!". After that, Mr Brocard has served personally handed him over 15 years of silver and gold-plated watch. At this time, with the entire group was shot photographic snimok.Zatem house Brocard was offered a sumptuous breakfast for the guests, clerks and shop assistants. For working in the yard were covered tables with abundant refreshments. All day the band played martial music
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 11/09/2020 20:28

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