Palais des Tuileries: façade du côté du jardin


Palais des Tuileries: façade du côté du jardin

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法国 法国 > Ile-de-France > Paris > Paris
[New Flora Pavilion.] Tuileries (fr the Tuileries, an old Russian transfer of the Tuileries.) - the palace of the kings of France in the heart of Paris, constitute a single palace and park complex of the Louvre. Beginning with Louis XVI - the main residence of all subsequent French monarchs. Burned in the days of the Paris Commune and then not vosstanavlivalsya.Dvorets consisted of a central body ( "Pavilion") Hours and two wings connected with them - the so-called.. Marsan pavilions and Flora. He brought up the west side of the Louvre courtyard, which, after its demolition turned into an open space, begins a historical axis. Directly in front of the main entrance arch towered Karruzel glorifying Napoleon's victories. At the site of the main part of the palace is now the eponymous park. Marsan pavilions and Flora preserved and included in the Luvra.
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 09/12/2017 00:27

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