Donaukanal mit der Marienbrücke und dem Dianabad


Donaukanal mit der Marienbrücke und dem Dianabad

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奥地利 奥地利 > Vienna
Despite the temporary post-war reconstruction, this building was demolished in 1963-1967.The bridge was blown up in April 1945, and for some time after the war there was a temporary pedestrian crossing. In 1951-1953 built a new bridge. This is the first large reinforced concrete bridge in Vienna, opened on October 25, 1953. An explosion in April 1945 completely destroyed the sculpture of the Madonna, considered the main masterpiece of the Art Nouveau period. After the war, a simplified copy was created, but then the bridge did not exist as such. In 1951, the sculpture was installed on the embankment of Franz Joseph (Franz-Josefs-Kai). And only on September 8, 1983, the sculpture of Madonna returned to "her" bridge.
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 23/01/2020 13:39

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