Костел св Миколая


Костел св Миколая

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乌克兰 乌克兰 > Київська міська громада > Pecherskyi district > Саперне поле
The construction of the church of St.. Nicholas started on the contest the architect SV Valovskogo in 1899. Development and construction of the building were carried out under the guidance of well-known Kiev architect Vladimir Gorodetsky. Catholic constructed in a stylized Gothic forms with high lancet towers and spiers, characterized slender proportions, lightness, clarity composite structure. Difficult conditions of construction and architectural solutions have led the architects to use innovative at that time engineering technology. Engineer AE Strauss first laying the foundation has been offered in the contemporary building practice on concrete stilts, and in the construction of reinforced concrete is widely used - a new building material. The church was richly decorated as the murals and stained glass windows, of which there were 40 (not preserved). In 1909 the church was consecrated.
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 14/02/2020 16:24

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