Торговая площадка у Пожарного депо и общежития Петровской академии


Торговая площадка у Пожарного депо и общежития Петровской академии

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Den Russiske Føderation Den Russiske Føderation > Moscow > Timiryazevsky District
The picture was taken with ambulatory hrama.Vid Peter and Paul on the snout, where there was a market cabs, the square in front of the fire station. See his beautiful carved gate on the right and the building of student numbers (1882-1887, "high school" architect Georg Kaiser), made in the style of "Henry II". Nyne room - Agrotechnical University named after Basil Goryachkina.Pyatachok - a favorite meeting place for students, Petrovac, point of sale of milk, demonstrations. Center of the composition takes a cubic structure student cafeteria and student club-buffet "Spiridonovitch" now - the gym
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 19/02/2020 22:58

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