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Frankrig Frankrig > Ile-de-France > Yvelines > Chevreuse
Chevreuse - an ancient city on the river Yvette, close to the Parisians in the XI. Local lords built the main attraction of the city - the fortress of St. Magdalene, one of the most powerful in the district. Construction work continued at the fortress and in the XII century. at the same time laid the Church of St. Martin. The Hundred Years' War fortress owned by the British later I worked on strengthening its Jean Rasin.Frantsisk I in 1545 brought together Chevreuse around the surrounding area Meudon Grignon and in the Duchy of Chevreuse, complained that title IV Jean de Bross - the husband of his mistress Anne de Pislo. After 10 years with the nearby Dampierre Chevreuse bought it, Cardinal de Guise Giz.Rod owned Chevreuse until 1655, after which the town was sold to the Duke of Luynes future generations. They changed the name of the duchy to Chevreuse on Montfort.
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 11/03/2017 22:55

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