Вид Lihoborы (вариант №2)


Вид Lihoborы (вариант №2)

1 1 

Den Russiske Føderation Den Russiske Føderation > Central Federal District > Moscow
The view from the water tower on the neighborhood Likhobory, Beskudnikovo, Sviblova.V bottom building agricultural instituta.Panorama: Left to right: Left fragment Iveronovskogo garden primroses, 2-storey building of the rector's home and the Office building auditor (clock tower), houses Petropavlovsk temple, Forest cabinet (in the distance with a dome on the near term -. tent Farms, cubic body - chemical laboratory "Hudyakovka "2 floor building branch Livestock for Petrovsky area 2 fl house laboratory, away from 3-.. I pipes Engineering department and the club of students, the right new chemist and residential apartments of teachers in the upper left corner in the birch Fedorovka -. N.Lihobory village settlements on the land of peasant Fedorov (district 4th Novomihalkovsky alley), where the architect K.Melnikov General lived P.Rychagov.Na horizon smoke brickyards in Beskudnikovo Yudina.
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522 billeder

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Foto offentliggjort på
 02/07/2019 10:05

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