Панорама на северо-восток Москвы


Панорама на северо-восток Москвы

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Russian Federation Russian Federation > Moscow > Timiryazevsky District
The view from the water tower on the building of the Agricultural Academy. One of the worst periods for the university. In the foreground, a tent of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry for Timiryazevskiy lane (barely noticeable) small body Zoostantsii: sheepfold, pigsty, stables, barn. Zoostantsiyu reconstructed buildings from the early twentieth century architect Karl Gippius. In the background with a semicircular protrusion Planitarium - Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, aka Cooperative housing. At this time, it taught English Anastasia. Followed by the building of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, two of the founders of which - prominent economist Alexander aspirations and Nikolai Kondratiev this year sentenced to death in the case of fabricated power "of the Peasant Party." On the horizon a house in the Art Nouveau style - cottage Goryachkina scholar Basil, who died of starvation in 1935
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Foto publicada el
 5 de marzo de 2017 a las 13:18

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Old photos of Timiryazevsky District,Old photographs of Timiryazevsky District,Old images of Timiryazevsky District,Old snapshots of Timiryazevsky District,Old panoramic views of Timiryazevsky District,Old prints of Timiryazevsky District